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Celebrating our Scopeleans – introducing Scopely Celebration Day 2022!

Celebrating our Scopeleans – introducing Scopely Celebration Day 2022!
Last month, Scopeleans around the world reconnected IRL at our first-ever Scopely Celebration Day. Check out all the awesome events our teams experienced together!
The global pandemic has changed the way we work, live, interact, and play, forever.

When it comes to how we work, the majority of workers around the globe are asking for flexible presence, and Scopely has embraced this desire with a hybrid model. We consistently iterate on our model to ensure Scopeleans feel fulfilled and excited by how we collaborate and come together. And when we come together in-person, we want every time to drive a sense of community, connection, and creativity.

Over the last few months, many of us came together in-person for the first time in multiple years (!) or for the first time ever (!), and we wanted to aggregate that excitement with a worldwide celebration day to reinvigorate how we interact. A day to disconnect to reconnect, meet new Scopeleans, and just have fun → introducing: our first-ever Scopely Celebration Day!

Here’s how it went:

Our teams around the globe chose activities that best suited their local cultures. After many fun brainstorms, events were confirmed, COVID-19 precautions were put in place, and we were on our way.

In total, Scopely hosted 14 events worldwide with more than 1,000 Scopeleans in attendance!

Check out what Scopely Celebration Day 2022 looked like around the globe, below!

Barcelona, Spain – Port Aventura

Shout out to our outstanding Experience and Facilities teams who made these fantastic global events possible.

We are One Scopely!